DragonBall Dojo
Well I got my new ISP and it's good. Fast on the internet but on IRC
it takes about 30 seconds to get on a server. Anyway it's changing time.
I making a new graphic and will post it soon. We will have more coming in and a hope you injoy
them I'm fixing up some pages and soon it should have a different look.
Well see ya laterz.
Where to go and what to do on my page
About your host Kakarott: About me
My IRC guide to a better experience: My irc page to help you find IRC stuff and channel and server contests
My DragonBall news page: Contains some news on DragonBall
Image gallery: Not many pictures just under goed new format
My links page ---UNDER construction---------: Some good links some sites are in my reviews
My reviews page: Reviews on some homepages
JeBelva's mail sale: TheDucks anime selling company GO THERE! but first read my story on it.
Character Biographys's: Some charcter biography's
DragonBall What if...: Just a page to ask "What if ..." happened
Sound Gallery: Just some sounds ***NEW***
CyberWatch: A homepage protecting project
KaZaM'97 made by BobaFett/kakarott I'm both them: Download my new bot KaZaM'97 made by BobaFett/Kakarott I'm both them.
ChanOpz Script Version 1.0: Download my most recent script ChanOpz 1.0
This page has been wondered by
mighty saiya-jins
Dragon Ball Ring
Page belongs to Kakarott
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